
Represents an animated image format. This differentiates from Video since it does not contain audio.


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abstract val creationDate: Long

The creation date of this piece of media, in milliseconds past the Unix Epoch.

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abstract val extension: String

The file extension used when exporting the piece of media.

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abstract val fps: Int

The frames per second of the animated image.

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abstract val frames: List<Image>

Gets the frames inside this animated image.

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abstract val height: Int

The height of the piece of media.

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abstract val name: String

The name of the piece of media.

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open val size: Int

The size of the piece of media, or width x height.

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abstract val width: Int

The width of the piece of media.


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abstract operator fun get(index: Int): Image

Gets the frame at the specified index.

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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<Image>
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abstract fun toByteArray(): ByteArray

Gets this media as a byte array.