420#pragma region ASCII Art
char ASCII_UPPER_X[8][5]
An 'X' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_disableUnderline()
Disables the underline text attribute.
void Canvas_enableStrikethrough()
Enables the strikethrough text attribute.
char ASCII_LOWER_D[8][5]
A 'd' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_R[8][5]
A 'R' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_Z[8][5]
A 'z' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_P[8][5]
A 'p' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_K[8][5]
A 'K' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_enableBlink()
Enables the blink text attribute.
char ASCII_UPPER_Y[8][5]
A 'Y' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_M[8][5]
A 'm' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_Q[8][5]
A 'Q' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_circle(int x, int y, int radius, char c)
Draws a hollow circle.
void Canvas_setColor8(int color)
Sets the color at the current cursor position using the built-in 8-bit color palette.
void Canvas_disableHidden()
Disables the hidden text attribute.
void Canvas_enableBold()
Enables the bold text attribute.
char ASCII_LOWER_S[8][5]
A 's' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_ellipse(int x, int y, int xradius, int yradius, char c)
Draws a hollow ellipse.
char ASCII_UPPER_E[8][5]
An 'E' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_J[8][5]
A 'j' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_U[8][5]
A 'u' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_disableStrikethrough()
Disables the strikethrough text attribute.
char ASCII_LOWER_T[8][5]
A 't' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, char c)
Fills a rectangle with a character.
void Canvas_setChar(int x, int y, char c)
Sets a character at a specific position.
char ASCII_LOWER_E[8][5]
An 'e' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_N[8][5]
A 'N' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height, char c)
Draws a hollow rectangle.
void Canvas_setBackground(int rgb)
Sets the background color at the current cursor position.
char ASCII_LOWER_H[8][5]
A 'h' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_enableItalic()
Enables the italic text attribute.
char ASCII_THREE[8][5]
A '3' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_EMPTY[8][5]
Represents empty space in ASCII art.
void Canvas_setAnsiCurrent(const char *ansi)
Appends the ANSI code at the current cursor position.
char ASCII_LOWER_W[8][5]
A 'w' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_hLine(int x, int y, int width, char c)
Draws a horizontal line.
void Canvas_setForeground256(int color)
Sets the foreground color at the current cursor position using the built-in 256-color palette.
char ASCII_LOWER_B[8][5]
A 'b' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_setForeground(int rgb)
Sets the foreground color at the current cursor position.
char ASCII_LOWER_L[8][5]
A 'l' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_NINE[8][5]
A '9' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_drawAsciiText(int x, int y, char character, const char *text)
Draws text at a specific position.
char ASCII_LOWER_Y[8][5]
A 'y' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_P[8][5]
A 'P' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_setBackground256(int color)
Sets the background color at the current cursor position using the built-in 256-color palette.
void Canvas_hideCursor()
Hides the cursor.
void Canvas_showCursor()
Shows the cursor.
void Canvas_enableInvert()
Enables the invert text attribute.
char ASCII_TWO[8][5]
A '2' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_B[8][5]
A 'B' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_V[8][5]
A 'v' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char c)
Draws a line between two points.
char ASCII_SEVEN[8][5]
A '7' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_A[8][5]
An 'A' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_J[8][5]
A 'J' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_drawText(int x, int y, const char *text)
Draws text at the current cursor position.
int Canvas_getWidth()
Gets the width of the canvas, which is the width of the terminal.
int Canvas_isCursorVisible()
Gets the cursor visibility.
char ASCII_UPPER_L[8][5]
A 'L' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_C[8][5]
A 'c' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
int Canvas_getCursorX()
Gets the cursor position.
char ASCII_UPPER_S[8][5]
A 'S' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_C[8][5]
A 'C' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_FOUR[8][5]
A '4' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_disableBlink()
Disables the blink text attribute.
char ASCII_UPPER_G[8][5]
A 'G' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_W[8][5]
A 'W' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_F[8][5]
A 'F' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_M[8][5]
A 'M' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_resetFormat()
Resets all formatting at the current cursor position.
char ASCII_LOWER_R[8][5]
A 'r' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_enableDim()
Enables the dim text attribute.
char ASCII_SIX[8][5]
A '6' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_U[8][5]
An 'U' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_Z[8][5]
A 'Z' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_disableDim()
Disables the dim text attribute.
void Canvas_enableUnderline()
Enables the underline text attribute.
char ASCII_ZERO[8][5]
A '0' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_disableBold()
Disables the bold text attribute.
char ASCII_UPPER_T[8][5]
A 'T' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_setCursor(int x, int y)
Sets the cursor position.
void Canvas_clearScreen()
Clears the screen.
void Canvas_disableItalic()
Disables the italic text attribute.
void Canvas_fillEllipse(int x, int y, int xradius, int yradius, char c)
Fills an ellipse with a character.
char ASCII_UPPER_H[8][5]
A 'H' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_FIVE[8][5]
A '5' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
int Canvas_getCursorY()
Gets the cursor position.
char ASCII_UPPER_V[8][5]
A 'V' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_A[8][5]
An 'a' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_fillCircle(int x, int y, int radius, char c)
Fills a circle with a character.
char ASCII_LOWER_G[8][5]
A 'g' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_setAnsi(int x, int y, const char *ansi)
Appends the ANSI code at a specific position.
int Canvas_getHeight()
Gets the height of the canvas, which is the height of the terminal.
char ASCII_LOWER_K[8][5]
A 'k' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_N[8][5]
A 'n' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_X[8][5]
A 'x' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_D[8][5]
A 'D' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_drawAscii(int x, int y, char ascii[8][5])
Draws an ASCII character at a specific position.
void Canvas_vLine(int x, int y, int height, char c)
Draws a vertical line.
void Canvas_enableHidden()
Enables the hidden text attribute.
char ASCII_EIGHT[8][5]
A '8' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_Q[8][5]
A 'q' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_ONE[8][5]
A '1' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
void Canvas_disableInvert()
Disables the invert text attribute.
char ASCII_LOWER_O[8][5]
An 'o' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_MAP[128][8][5]
Represents a mapping of ASCII characters to their respective ASCII art.
char ASCII_UPPER_I[8][5]
An 'I' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_UPPER_O[8][5]
An 'O' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_I[8][5]
An 'i' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.
char ASCII_LOWER_F[8][5]
A 'f' character in ASCII art using the '#' character.